Get to know our Headmaster - Part II

What is your experience with Socratic method?

My first experience with the Socratic method occurred during my first year of theological studies in Rome. Although at first the Socratic style dialogue and discussion was tough, it afforded me the opportunity to hone my philosophical and reasoning skills. Most importantly, the method allowed me to further develop the virtue of studiousness, made me a more fluent reader, a more eloquent writer, and a better communicator.

What stands out most to you from your time in Rome, aside from meeting your lovely wife!? 

My most noteworthy story from my time in Rome was guiding pilgrims to the tomb of Saint Peter. The opportunity to visit the tomb of the Prince of the Apostles, often two or three times a day, was both humbling and spiritually enriching. One cannot visit St. Peter’s tomb without reflecting in a deeper way on how he was “the Rock” on which the Church was founded.

You were also a FOCUS Missionary; do you have any favorite stories from that time in your life?

My most noteworthy story from my time as a FOCUS Missionary was when I partook on a summer mission trip to Brazil. As part of our trip, we had the opportunity to proclaim the truth, goodness, and beauty of the Catholic faith to individuals living in remote areas who had never heard of Jesus Christ. Such an experience deepened my understanding of the impact of the Incarnation on peoples and cultures.





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Get to know our Headmaster - Part I