Chesterton Academy of
St. Benedict

A classical high school in the Catholic tradition in Columbus, Ohio

Now Open!

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Raising Up a New Generation of Joyful Leaders and Saints

High School with a Higher Purpose

Chesterton Academy of St. Benedict is a new, independent classical high school in the Catholic tradition in Columbus, Ohio that opened in Fall 2024. Inspired by the beauty and richness of the Catholic faith, Chesterton Academy seeks to form young men and women to be joyful saints. By introducing them to great thinkers such as Socrates, Thomas Aquinas and Dante, and by forming them in a distinctly Catholic culture, we lead students to choose for themselves the adventure of being a disciple of Christ.

What is a Chesterton Classical Education?

  • Integrated rigorous curriculum that is systematically planned to equally emphasize art, science, mathematics, and the humanities. Curriculum includes 4 years each of philosophy and theology

  • Students learn how to think and defend their perspective through debate and a Socratic environment to become articulate, clear-thinking and well-rounded individuals

  • Classes are taught through Biblical and historical perspectives to guide students through longing for God, discovering Him and experiencing His grace

  • Speech and writing are incorporated into every class including the sciences

  • Preparation for both college and life while helping students discern and follow God’s calling

Part of the Chesterton Schools Network

  • An Incarnational Environment

    From history and theology to math and science, the Incarnation is the central mystery we explore across the entire curriculum. It is our desire that each student would personally experience the Incarnation.

  • A Focus on Truth, Goodness, and Beauty

    Our classical curriculum combines a broad, liberal arts education with a strong emphasis on the development of Christian virtues and an appreciation of beauty.

  • A Joyful Learning Environment

    We create environments where students experience the joy of community and the discovery process, providing them with an opportunity to live out their spiritual life in an atmosphere of joy and fun.

  • Rediscovering the Lost Tools of Learning

    Our curriculum is centered on skills seemingly forgotten in our modern society: reading, writing, oral presentations, and the development of critical reasoning skills through logic and philosophy.

  • The Socratic Seminar

    The Socratic seminar is perhaps the oldest educational tool. Through this method, a teacher imparts knowledge through directed questions and guided dialogue, bringing ideas and knowledge to life.

  • The Wit and Wisdom of G.K. Chesterton

    Chesterton exemplified the Catholic faith through his wit, his clarity, his kindness, and his ability to love people with whom he disagreed, while sharing the faith in Christian charity.

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